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  • Heavy truck is the big body in the car, for many card friends, shifting is also a physical work, especially when driving in complex conditions, which significantly increases the work intensity of heavy truck driving. It has always been the goal of SHACMAN to reduce the burden for the carers. Bagaimana ...
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  • Unexpectedly, eight years later, Jack, a handsome young man from Gabon who had studied in China, came back again! Selamat datang! He returned with boundless nostalgia and connection to his son's homeland. He has brought new opportunities for development and cooperation to this once infinitely cher...
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  • Transporter berbahaya All-in-One X6000 memimpin perjalanan yang aman dari nilai Anda

    Transporter berbahaya All-in-One X6000 memimpin perjalanan yang aman dari nilai Anda

    Transportasi Barang Berbahaya, kondisinya rumit, risikonya lebih tinggi x6000 Terpadu 2.0 Kendaraan transportasi Berbahaya teknologi pemikiran ke depan dengan mudah memenuhi tantangan ini dan mengamankan keamanan transportasi Anda sangat penting di jalan berbahaya x6000 terintegrasi 2.0 tr ...
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  • 1.drill A Hole Apakah truk sampah Shacman Anda memiliki ban yang tertusuk? If so, how long ago did it happen? In fact, for tires that have been patched for a long time, even if they are used temporarily, there will be no problem at all. The bearing capacity under load will not be as good as before:...
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